Wednesday, December 15, 2010

{The Santa Letters}

"Christmas, when broken down, takes Christ's name and the shortened Middle English form of the word masse, which means "festival" or "celebration," and clearly defines Christmas as a celebration of Christ. It's also interesting to note that the word mas in many of the old languages means "more." So, this Christmas season, my dear family, will be a celebration where I will bring more of Christ into the holiday as you celebrate his life and example.
Loving always,
The Santa Letters by Stacy Gooch-Anderson

So my blog says I've been reading Emma, but actually I have been reading a whole slew of books including this one that I finished today.

The Santa Letters brought me true Christmas spirit. It follows a family who lost their father the Christmas before and are cheered up by a series of letters from Santa. Can you imagine receiving letters and gifts from Santa on your front porch each day? The anticipation! That's what I felt as a I read each letter and followed the healing process the Jensen family experienced.

You have to get your hands on this book! Try looking here.

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