Monday, August 3, 2009

New Companion


I am super short on time. Can’t read any of your emails. I am printing them and will read them tonight. As you can probably guess from the late hour that I am emailing, we had transfers last night......

I am still in Centenario in Los Andes...BUT Hermana Spielmann is in San Pablo now, close to my last sector Los Mares. Oh I am going to miss her soooooooo much. I can’t tell you how much fun we had together. She taught me a lot, she has been through a lot in her life, and has the biggest heart.

Want to know who my companion is????? HeRmaNa Chapman! She has one transfer more than me. Yeah...I couldn’t sleep too well last night. We are going to have a really fun time this transfer. Transfers were crazy this time, Hermana Spielmann is with another Hermana that has a lot of time in the mission too. Hermana Atkin is staying in Santa Maria but has a new companion that was training last transfer. I saw Hermana Cuevas!!! She is doing well and Los Mares is well. She sent me lots of love from the converts and from my favorite family. She sent me pictures of the baptisms of Claudio and Patricio last week and I am going to send them to you next week.

This morning Hermano Sanchez came to pick us up to take us to the terminal and he had Frank playing in his car. It helped me to relax a little bit. I am actually really excited for the challenge ahead of me and Hermana Chapman. We found tons of people to teach last week and set a lot of baptismal dates. I have trust in my Heavenly Father and President May’s decision to put two really new missionaries together and I am going to work really hard to help people find more happiness in their lives.

I have so much to tell you about last week, but there isn’t time. A short list that hopefully I will expound upon next week; Fondue, Paninis, Chocolate Chip cookies, Farkle, summum bonum(see if you can find this in Doctrine and Covenants and tell me the meaning of it), and running from a mute man who hits people (don’t you worry I was able to out run him).

I had my interview with President May last week and had a really hard time speaking English. I have to think about it and still words kept coming out in Spanish. I am nervous for when I come home and really can’t speak English anymore.

Hermana Chapman and I are going to need your prayers a lot this transfer, that we can understand people’s needs and that we can have sufficient words to teach them the gospel.

I love you all so much, and I mean so so so much, especially Mom, Dad, Ben, Matthew, and Jonathan,

Hermana Arnold

P.S. I want to know in what areas Tommy served!

How exciting!!!! I can´t wait to see it when I get back. (She’s talking about the new building that Wavetronix will move into in January.)

I love you to death MOm. I got three letters from you this week. The elders loved the articles about tennis. I was sad to hear that Andy lost, but super surprised to hear that he was in the finals to begin with. Sounds like it was a really good match. Ask Matthew if it was better than last year, because last year was WOW!

Love you love you love you,
I can´t think about you more or I am going to cry,

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